Okay, this is the last comic we’ll do about The Last Airbender. We promise!
Well… Last one until we think of something else.
News has it that M. Night has already planned out the second and third movies. Has he read any of the reviews for this one yet?
If they green light a sequel, hopefully he would’ve learned from his mistakes. Assuming, of course, that he realizes that he made mistakes to begin with.
Nice! Man, you guys really feel that disappointed throwing your money away going to see that movie, I can’t lie, I’m gonna play that game now lol
this strip reminded me of the airbender movie review at io9. it’s pretty funny! go read it if you haven’t done so yet: http://io9.com/5576076/m-night-shyamalan-finally-made-a-comedy
there are so many things wrong with this movie i wouldn’t be surprised to see another comic strip about it! =D
Seriously though, when’s this game dropping?…….What?