Billy Cranston, the Blue Mighty Morphin’ Ranger is having a rough month.
First, it was discovered that the Triceratops is not a legitimate dinosaur, it’s actually the immature stage of another dinosaur, the Torosaurus.
This is worst than when they demoted Pluto. Just the fact that my spell check recognizes Triceratops but not Torosaurus illustrates everything that is wrong with this discovery. Click here for the full story.
My first thought after hearing this was that Power Rangers was now inaccurate. Never mind textbooks and museums, Billy was out of a Dinozord!
My second thought was about Cera from A Land Before Time.
The second thing to happen to Billy was the revelation that David Yost, the actor who portrayed Billy, was mocked and harassed on the set of Power Rangers due to his homosexuality. Eventually he walked off the set after hearing one anti-gay slur too many, which explains the stock footage of him in the episode when Billy left Earth to permanently live on Aquitar. Click here for Part 1 of the interview.
By the way, if you haven’t been watching Linkara’s History of Power Rangers, begin doing so now by clicking here. It’s morphenomenal!
And if you’d like to see pictures from Power Morphicon this weekend, including a kick-ass Green Ranger Ninjetti cosplay check out The Official Power Ranger Morphicon Convention on Facebook right here.
love it!!!!!!!!! no mo jay
haha ive read it 4 times already. def liking the comic btw guys. keep up the good work.
I knew he left cause he was pissed off DID NOT know the rest of that WOW!
i see what you did there
This is like years late, but Triceratops fans don’t have to lose their fave dinosaur. According to the original paper, the Torosaurus will be abolished as a species and now be known as Triceratops. So the Triceratops name still remains.
since the triceratops was discovered first the torosaurus is the one that should lose its name just saying
I… you… WHAT?
I’m the first to admit that I don’t give two shits about any Power Ranger (though I’m sorry to hear that about the actor) but HOW THE HELL DID I MISS THIS? I’m studying to be a bloody paleontologist for Frith’s sake!!
*sigh* This is what I get for blowing off news.